The Southern Milky Way and cacti of Atacama

© Stéphane Guisard "Los Cielos de Chile"

The images below are tripod astrophotos taken with a Canon 20Da  camera and a wide field lens. They were taken near the Pacific coast
of Chile in the Atacama region. Although the Atacama desert is very dry, some areas near the coast benefit from the "Camanchaca", a dense
coastal mist that makes life possible for plants and animals.

The first image below shows the Southern part of the Milky Way with bright Eta Carina Nebula Coal Sack, Southern Cross, etc.....the Large
and small Magellanic clouds are also visible on the right. The cactus in the front is an
"Eulychnia Iquiquensis". A meteor had the good idea
to leave its light print on the picture.

The Southern Milky Way, Large and Small Magellanic clouds  and cactus shadow.

The Southern Milky Way and cactus shadow.

The Southern Milky Way, Large and Small Magellanic clouds  and cactus shadow.