Messier 8, the Lagoon Nebula
© Stéphane Guisard,
Los Cielos de América
The Lagoon Nebula (catalogued as Messier 8 or M8, and as NGC 6523) is a giant interstellar cloud in the constellation Sagittarius. It is classified as an emission nebula and as a H II region. It was discovered by Giovanni Hodierna before 1654 and is one of only two star-forming nebulae faintly visible to the naked eye from mid-northern latitudes. Seen with binoculars, it appears as a distinct oval cloudlike patch with a definite core. A fragile star cluster appears superimposed on it.
M8 Nebula, full image field in Ha, L, R, G, B
M8 Nebula, full image field in Halpha, exposure time 3h20min.
M8 Nebula, full resolution image crop of the center of the nebula in Halpha,L,R,G,B.
M8 Nebula, full resolution image crop of the center of the nebula in Halpha, exposure time 3h20min.
M8 Nebula, crop of the full resolution image of the nebula.